What Difference does Rahab make?

We\’d like to say we work alongside women to change their lives around! We recognise a lot of what we do is hard to reduce down to facts and figures. Last year (2019), the Rahab Outreach teams were able to:

  • Meet with 45 different women on the streets of Reading through our evening outreaches,
  • Have over 270 conversations with these 45 women about housing, addiction, safety, and wellbeing,
  • Hand out over 2,200 condoms!

Like we said above: these numbers aren\’t able to communicate the depths of conversations we have with the women we serve. We\’re so grateful to have been able to meet with these brave women, to be trusted to play a small part in their weeks, and to be able to offer support to a community that is often regarded as taboo.

Would you consider joining with us this year? Click here to have a read of some of the ways you and your friends might be able to support the work of Rahab in Reading!