Katherine Shepherd

There is no ‘quick fix’ – it takes time, energy, love and grace

Sometimes being a Christian can be frustrating.  We want miracles immediately and sometimes struggle to accept that things happen in God’s time not ours. The Rahab team support around 40 women who sex-work on the streets around west Reading.  Some of the women we support are out almost every night, others come out when there […]

There is no ‘quick fix’ – it takes time, energy, love and grace Read More »

As the cost of living rises so does the number of sex workers on the streets of Reading

The cost of living crisis began in May.  Between May and June, we saw an increase of 38% in the number of contacts we made with women sex working on the streets of Reading.  It has remained at that level ever since.  Rahab volunteers are making contacts with women they have not seen for a

As the cost of living rises so does the number of sex workers on the streets of Reading Read More »