Useful Information
Help if you are sleeping rough:
Drop in Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
0118 937 2165
For help with accessing accommodation and support services including support with physical and mental ill-health, drugs and alcohol, legal services and reconnection in the UK and abroad.
0118 958 5002
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Friday (drop-in) at CIRDIC 11am to 1.30pm (St Saviours Church Hall, Berkeley Ave, Reading, RG1 6JT).
For hot meals, clean clothes, toiletries, bath and shower facilities, a safe postal address, use of a telephone, links to specialist services and someone to listen.
0118 950 2536
Monday, Tuesday and Friday (drop-in) 10am to 3.30pm
Sat (drop-in) 6pm to 7pm
Sunday (drop-in) 9am to 10am
Housing, homelessness and money advice:
For anyone in Reading who needs housing or homelessness related information and support.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday (drop-in) 10am to 2pm
0118 950 7656
For impartial and free housing advice.
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm.
Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm
0808 800 4444
Free advice service on housing, finances and employment.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (drop-in): 10am to 4pm
Wednesday (drop-in): 1pm to 4pm.
Closed 12.30pm to 1pm every day
0344 4111 306
Free advice, information and benefit support.
Monday to Thursday: 10am to 4pm
Friday: 10am to 1pm
0118 926 3941
Your health – physical and mental:
Treatment, information and advice for a range of minor illnesses and injuries. Anyone can use this walk-in service – no registration necessary.
Monday to Sunday (seven days a week): 8am to 7.45pm
0118 902 7651
For anyone who is homeless, living in a hostel or having difficulties accessing physical or mental health services.
Monday: 11am to 1.30pm at CIRDIC (St Saviours Church Hall, Berkeley Ave, Reading, RG1 6JT).
Tuesday: 7am to 9am outreach with St Mungoes
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
0118 207 7651
If you need urgent help with your mental wellbeing, but if it’s not an emergency
0300 365 3000
0300 365 9999
Sexual health screening and treatment and advice about contraception.
Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm (closed Wednesday between 11am and 1pm)
Saturday (not bank holiday weekends) 9.30am to 11.30am
0118 322 7202
Paramedics (SCAS) providing urgent medical care services alongside volunteers providing first aid, hot drinks, shelter and support.
Friday and Saturday nights: 9pm to 3am Reading Minster (St Mary’s Gate, Chain Street, Reading RG1 2HX).
Support with drugs and alcohol:
Adult drug and alcohol service (18 years +) for immediate treatment, assessment and referral, advice and information, needle exchange and support groups.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Monday and Thursday: 9.30am to 7pm
0118 955 7333
Needle Exchange:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Monday and Thursday: 9.30am to 7pm
0118 955 7333
270-274 Oxford Road, Reading, RG30 1AD.
Monday to Thursday: 8am to 10pm
Friday and Saturday: 8am to Midnight
Sunday: 8am to 8pm
351-353 Oxford Road, Reading, RG30 1AY
Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
Saturday: 9am to 2pm