We are passionate that every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Rahab supports those who work in the sex industry, including those who are exploited, working with them to break free from the cycles of abuse, poverty and addiction


Outreach sessions









We are recruiting new volunteers for our outreach work. Could this be you?

We are looking for Christians across Reading to join us on outreach to look out for these women, meet them where they are and simply be there for them.

If they want us to pray with them, we will, if they want to talk about God and our faith  – we will; but we will also talk about any other topic of conversation going.  We will ask them how they are, where they are living, what has happened to them recently and we will listen without judgement.

To discover more about volunteering with the Rahab team, click here or call 07443 487191.

“I started volunteering for Rahab because I wanted to help a group of women who are often marginalised and who are so vulnerable to sexual violence. Over the last two to three years, though, individual people with real lives and diverse personalities began to emerge from the many faces we see. I feel so privileged to come alongside individual women as they go through the ups and downs of life.”

Rahab Volunteer

What is Rahab?

Rahab is part of The Mustard Tree, a local Reading based, charity project that serves those working in the sex industry

We do this by:

• Meeting the women where they are, building relationship and trust.
• Advocating on behalf of individuals at other service meetings (e.g. probation, drugs and alcohol), appointments and court appearances.
• Referring to organisations who can help by completing forms e.g. benefits, housing.
• Prison and hospital visits.
• Supporting individuals when they are released from prison, assisting in their integration back into the community.

Our Christian Outreach programme enables us to:

• Be a presence on the streets of Reading.
• Promote sexual health and well-being.
• Identify issues individuals are facing and need assistance with

“You’re brilliant – because you’re on our side.”

‘T’, Rahab service user