A huge THANK YOU to our amazing team of volunteers

As Volunteers Week 2023 draws to a close, we just wanted to share with you how important the Rahab volunteers are to our work.  We simply could not do it without them as they are the lifeblood of Rahab.

Our volunteers come from the churches all over Reading.  They have a passion to help those who are in need and to share their Christian faith.  They have a passion to help those who are in need, are resilient, non-judgemental, and they are ready to share their Christian faith or pray with the women at any time.  We recently heard from a volunteer who had bumped into a former sex-worker walking into town, and she asked for prayer, so he prayed with her then and there!

It brings to mind Thessalonians 1:3 ‘We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, you labour prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.’

Their faith inspires them to volunteer, the love of God inspires them to love the women (‘We love because He first loved us.’ – 1 John 4:19) and their endurance to be out week after week and in all weathers is inspired by their hope for a positive future for sex workers.

If you are interested in volunteering with Rahab, please call us on 0118 967 7000, email at Rahab@themustardtree.org or fill out the form on our website.